(consolidated text)
1. The Association bears the name Polish Society of Psychology of Religion and Spirituality in the further provisions of the Statute referred to in short as PTPRiD or the Society,
2. The Society is an association of natural persons established to promote knowledge on the subject of
3. The seat of the Society is Gdańsk. The area of activity is the Republic of Poland.
4. To implement its statutory goals, the Society may operate in other countries, respecting the local law.
5. The Society is established for an unlimited period. It has a legal personality. It operates based on the provisions of the Act of 7 April 1989, the Law on Associations (Journal of Laws of 2001, No. 79, item 855, as amended), and this statute.
6. The Society may belong to other national and international organizations with similar
7. The Society’s activities are based primarily on the voluntary work of its members. The Society may employ employees to conduct its affairs.
a) Promoting scientific knowledge about religion and spirituality from the psychology perspective.
b) Providing scientific knowledge in the field of psychology of religion and spirituality to psychologists, practitioners, and other interested professionals, regardless of their personal views and institutional
c) Supporting activity and independence as well as professional ethics in the field of psychology of religion and spirituality among students and professionally active people, as well as conducting scientific research; d) Integrating the community of psychologists, religious scholars, sociologists, educators, philosophers and theologians and other persons in the field of psychology of religion and spirituality.
2. The Society realizes its goals through:
a) Running the Society’s reading room) Maintaining contacts with other scientific and professional societies of similar
c) Cooperate with scientific circles, student governments, and organizations, and initiate and coordinate cooperation within Polish and foreign scientific centers in the psychology of religion and spirituality.
d) Give opinions on activities in psychology, religion, and spirituality.
e) Organizing meetings aimed at broadening interest in religion and spirituality from the psychological point of view.
1. Members of the Society may be natural persons and legal entities. A legal person may only be a
supporting member of the Society. 2. The Society has the following members:
a) ordinary,
b) extraordinary,
c) supporting,
d) honorary.
1. An Ordinary Member of the Society may be any natural person who:
a) holds a Master’s degree in the humanities or social sciences,
b) submits a membership declaration in writing,
2. An Extraordinary Member of the Society may be any natural person who:
a) has completed higher education at the Master’s level,
b) submits a membership declaration in writing,
3. An Extraordinary Member may also be a humanities or social sciences student. However, after completing their studies, they acquire the right to be admitted as an ordinary member. Extraordinary membership ceases in the event of failure to complete their studies.
4. An Ordinary and Extraordinary Member becomes an ordinary and extraordinary member after submitting a written declaration based on a resolution of the Society’s Management Board. 5. Ordinary members have the right to:
a) passively and actively participate in elections to the Society’s authorities,
b) use the Society’s achievements, assets, and all forms of activity,
c) participate in meetings and lectures organized by the Society,
d) submit motions regarding the Society’s activity.
6. An extraordinary member has all the rights and obligations of an ordinary member, except for the active and passive right to vote to the Society’s authorities.
7. Ordinary and extraordinary members are obliged to:
a) participate in the Society’s activity and implement its goals,
b) comply with the Statute and resolutions of the Society’s authorities,
c) regularly pay contributions,
1. A natural or legal person declaring
financial, material, or substantive assistance in achieving the Society’s goals may become a supporting member. 2. A supporting member becomes a member after submitting a written declaration based on a resolution
3. A supporting member has the right to use the Society’s scientific and advisory assistance and other forms of its substantive activity.
4. Supporting members do not have passive or active voting rights but may participate with an advisory vote in the Society’s statutory authorities. In addition, they have the same rights as ordinary members.
5. A supporting member is obliged to fulfill the declared benefits,
observe the statutes and resolutions of the authorities of the Society.
1. An honorary member of the Society may be a natural person who has made an outstanding contribution to the activities and development of the Society.
2. Honorary members are admitted by the General Meeting upon the motion of the Management Board
3. The General Meeting of the Society may pass a resolution to deprive a member of the title
4. Honorary members do not have passive or active voting rights. Still, they may participate with an advisory vote in the Society’s statutory authorities and have the same rights as ordinary members.
1. Regular and extraordinary membership ceases as a result of:
a) written resignation submitted to the Board,
b) exclusion by the Board:
• due to violation of the Statute and failure to comply with resolutions of the Society’s authorities,
• due to persistent failure to participate in the Society’s work,
• due to non-payment of dues for four years,
• upon written request of three members of the Society,
c) loss of civil rights pursuant to a final court judgment,
d) death of a member and loss of legal personality by legal persons.
2. The interested party may appeal against the Board’s resolution on admission to the Society’s membership or deprivation of membership to the General Meeting of Members within 14 days of receipt of this resolution. The resolution of the General Meeting of Members is final.
1. The authorities of the Society are:
a) General Meeting of Members,
b) Board,
c) Audit Committee.
2. Term of office of authorities.
a) The term of office of all elected authorities of the Society is four years, and their election takes place in a secret ballot by an absolute majority of votes. In exceptional cases, if there is no quorum, an electronic form of election is permissible with the consent of voters who cannot come to the polls.
b) Members elected to the Society’s authorities may hold the same function for up to two terms.
3. Resolutions of all authorities of the Society are passed by a simple majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the members entitled to vote unless further provisions of the Statute provide otherwise.
4. If the composition of the authorities of the Society is reduced during the term of office, their composition may be supplemented by co-optation, which is carried out by the remaining members of the body that has been reduced. Noup to half of the body’s members may be appointed in this procedure.
1. The General Meeting of Members is the highest authority of the Society. The following persons participate in the General Meeting of Members:
a) with a decisive vote – ordinary members,
b) with an advisory vote – supporting, honorary, extraordinary members and guests.
2. The General Meeting of Members may be ordinary and extraordinary.
3. The Society’s management board convenes the Ordinary General Meeting of Members once every four years. The Board shall notify all members by e-mail or letter at least 30 days before the meeting date of the date and place.
4. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Members may be held at any time. It is convened by the Management Board on its initiative, at the request of the Audit Committee or a written request of at least 1/3 of the total number of ordinary members of the Society. 5. The Extraordinary General Meeting is convened 4 weeks from the date of the application and primarily discusses the matters for which it was convened.
6. The Extraordinary General Meeting is attended by members of the Association and honorary members of the Society.
7. Resolutions of the General Meeting of the Society are passed by an absolute majority of votes in the presence of at least half the total number of members. Voting is open unless the Statute states otherwise.
8. Competences of the General Meeting:
a) determining the main directions of the Society’s activity and development,
b) adopting amendments to the Statute,
c) electing and dismissing all authorities of the Society,
d) granting the Management Board a discharge at the request of the Audit Committee,
e) approving regulations and considering reports on the activities of the Management Board and the Audit Committee,
f) adopting the budget,
g) adopting the amount of membership fees,
h) adopting resolutions on the admission of an honorary member,
i) considering and approving reports of the Society’s authorities,
j) considering applications and demands submitted by members of the Society or its authorities,
k) considering appeals against resolutions of the Management Board,
l) adopting a resolution on the dissolution of the Society and the allocation of its assets,
m) adopting resolutions on any matter brought to the agenda, in all matters not reserved for the competence of other authorities of the Society.
n) adopting the regulations of the Management Board’s activities and other internal regulations,
1. The Board is appointed by the resolutions of the General Meeting of Members to manage all activities of the Association and to represent the Association externally.
2. The Board consists of three persons, including the Chairman, a Member of the Board-Secretary, and a Member of the Board elected by the General Meeting in a secret ballot.
3. Board meetings are convened as needed, but at least once every six months, led by the Chairman or a Board of the Association member. The Chairman convenes board meetings.
4. Each member of the Board is authorized to make declarations of intent on behalf of the Association, including in property matters.
5. Competences of the Board:
a) realization of the Society’s goals,
b) management of all activities of the Society by the provisions of the Statute and resolutions and recommendations of the General Meeting,
c) execution of resolutions of the General Meeting of Members,
d) preparation of work plans and budget,
e) management of the Society’s assets,
f) adoption of resolutions on the acquisition, disposal, or encumbrance of the Society’s assets,
g) representation of the Society externally,
h) convening the General Meeting of Members,
i) admission and deletion of members,
j) submitting applications to the General Meeting regarding honorary membership of the Society,
k) adoption of resolutions regarding membership in domestic and foreign Societies,
6. Resolutions of the Board are adopted by a simple majority of votes in the presence of all members,
1. The Audit Committee is appointed to control the Society’s activities. 2. The Audit Committee comprises 3 to 5 people, including the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, and Secretary. 3. A member of the Audit Committee may be a person who:
a. has full legal capacity and enjoys full public rights,
b. has not been convicted of an intentional crime,
c. is not in a relationship of kinship, affinity, or subordination due to employment with members of the Management Board.
4. Competences of the Audit Committee:
a) controlling the activities of the Management Board,
b) submitting inspection applications to the General Meeting of Members,
c) the right to submit a motion to convene the General Meeting of Members and a meeting of the Management Board,
d) submitting applications for a discharge of the Society’s authorities,
e) submitting reports on its activities to the General Meeting of Members,
f) participating in Management Board meetings with an advisory vote,
g) submitting post-inspection applications to the Management Board of the Society.
1. The assets of the Society are generated by:
a) membership fees,
b) donations, inheritances, bequests,
c) grants, subsidies, and public generosity,
d) income from real estate and movables owned by the Society,
2. All funds may be kept exclusively in the Society’s account.
3. The Society conducts financial management by applicable regulations.
4. The Management Board makes decisions on the acquisition, disposal, and encumbrance of the Society’s assets.
5. By this Statute, it is prohibited to:
a) grant loans or secure liabilities with the organization’s assets about its members, members of bodies or employees, and persons with whom employees are married or in a relationship of kinship or affinity in a direct line, kinship or affinity in a collateral line up to the second degree or are related by adoption, care or guardianship, hereinafter referred to as “close persons,”
b) transfer the Association’s assets to members, members of bodies or employees and their close persons, on terms other than those applicable to third parties, in particular, if such transfer is free of charge or on preferential terms,
c) use the assets for the benefit of members, members of bodies or employees and their close persons on terms other than those applicable to third parties, unless such use directly results from the statutory purpose of the organization, purchase on special terms of goods or services from entities in which members of the organization, members of its bodies or employees and their close persons participate. d) purchase of goods or services on special terms from entities in which members of the Society, members of its bodies, or employees and their close persons participate.
1. The resolution on amending the Statute and the resolution on the dissolution of the Society shall be adopted by the General Meeting of Members by a qualified majority of votes – (2/3) in the presence of at least half of those entitled to vote.
2. When adopting a resolution on dissolution of the Society, the General Meeting of Members shall determine the method of its liquidation and the allocation of the Society’s assets.
3. In matters not regulated in this Statute, the provisions of the Law on Associations shall apply.